Sunday 9 November 2014

Africa: Miracle Water


Libyan Sahara Water from the Desert - The Secrets of Nature


World India's Water Crisis

India receives adequate rainfall for its billion-plus population, but the country is facing a crisis as water is diverted from poor rural areas to fill water tanks and swimming pools in richer cities like Delhi.

Jill McGivering reports.


China's Water Crisis

China is facing a major water crisis. Rivers are drying up and there's not enough water to go around. And what little water there is has been so polluted by chemical and industrial run off, it's undrinkable.

In 20 Years China Will Be Without Water...

China's Water Challenge ...

China's Water Challenge is a documentary film that features water sector problems and developments in Shanghai, Gansu province, and the Yellow River basin.


The Coming Global Water Crisis -


The Cycle of Insanity: The Real Story of Water


Water, The World Water Crisis
